Wissam A. Saidi

Principle Investigator

Research Associates

Dr. Christopher Andolina

Dr. Pandu Wisesa

Ph.D. Graduate Students

Timothy Yang

Undegraduate Students

Jack McEver

Jack joined the group in 2023. He is working on machine learning for TEM analysis.


Jessica Niznikr

Jessica joined the group in 2023. She is working on machine learning accelerated atomistic simulations.

Past Members

Dr. Liang Li

Dr. Li defended his PhD degree in 2015. He is currently a post-doc at ANL.

Dr. Qing Zhu

Dr. Zhu was a post-doc in the group between 2012-2016. He joined in August 2016 to PDF Solutions as a Statistical Method Developer.

Dr. Hongli Guo

Dr. Hongli Guo defended his PhD degree in 2016. He was co-advised with Professor Jin Zhao.

Dr. Yongliang Shi (Cliff)

Dr. Shi defended his PhD in 2017. He was co-advised with Prof. Jin Zhao. Dr. Shi was a post-doc in the group 2017-2020. He is currently an assistant professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University (http://en.xjtu.edu.cn).

Hantong Chen

Hantong graduated with a BS degree from MEMS in 2018. He is pursuing a PhD degree at Brown University.

Hongjian Liao

Hongjian graduated with a BS degree from MEMS in 2018. He moved to Berkeley for a Masters degree.

Dr. Matthew Curnan

Dr. Curnan was a post-doc in the group between 2016 and 2019. He joined the group of Dr. Jeong Woo Han as post-doctoral Research Associate.

Philip Williamson

Philip graduated with a BS degree form MEMS in 2019. He moved to CMU for a PhD degree in materials science.

Yaguang Guo

Yaguang visited us in 2016. Yaguang is a Ph.D. student working with Professor Qian Wang at the Center for Applied Physics and Technology at Peking University.

Jacob Wright

Jacob joined the group in 2020. He is currently pursuing a Masters degree in materials science in Switzerland.

Henry Ayoola

Henry Ayoola finished his PhD student in 2020 and joined Intel.

Dr. Dylan Bayerl

Dr. Dylan Dayrel was a post-doc in the group between 2019-2020. Dylan is now a staff scientist at the naval nuclear lab in Pittsburgh.

Muztoba Rabbani

Muztoba Rabbani finished his Masters between 2018-2020.

Burke Garza

Burke graduated with a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering in 2022.

Dr. Jongwoo Park

Dr. Park was a post-doc in the group between 2020-2022.